Welcome to my online journal for my Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). I will be using this blog to document my progression throughout the project, recording my thoughts, plans, ideas, questions and discussions.

Please feel free to leave any questions or comments!

Friday 31 October 2014

Artefact- 23rd October

I came up with an idea for my artefact that I'll be creating at the end of this project along with the 1000 word essay. I have decided that I will create my very own futuristic, iconic building/landmark using either CAD or another design software called sketch-up. I will be looking into futuristic buildings and their design features to help inspire mine. I will also think about the environment, climate and how it is constantly changing, and make sure my design is well adapted to it.
I have found out today that there is an exhibition at the Barbican centre in London called

Constructing Worlds: Photography and Architecture in the Modern Age

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